Escrito el 06-07-2004

In your version of this world 
You’re everybody’s favourite girl 
But that don’t mean i’ll be the victim 
Of any pain you are inflecting today 

I don’t know what I should do 
I’ve been so happy being 
so unhappy with you,
but I just had a revelation 
My heart’s been dying of starvation 
I need somebody who will feed me 

And if salvation only comes
when you fall 
Oh lord 
It’s so hard for me to believe 
Oh lord 
I’m still waiting for you to call 
Oh lord 
Trapped inside my memory 
Oh lord 

Pretending to be someone 
you know nothing about 
Oh, i wish you were 
Someone I knew nothing about 

You’re looking for any explanation 
Your words only find
a meaning in between 
What’s real
and what will only ever be 
your dream 

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